

Upbeat Media has been dedicated to nurturing the development of children and student. We believe that while academic achievement is important for students, their physical and mental health also plays a critical role in promoting well-balanced holistic development. For this goal, we are working with eminent leaders and elites across different sectors to organise the "Upbeat Student Ambassador Programme”. A special team of advisors and supporting organisations are invited to nurture Hong Kong’s next generation, broaden their horizons and contribute to the future development of our society.

For the academic year of 2022-2023, we will design various developmental activities for children and teens. Collaborating with advisors and supporting organisations, we aim to inspire children through positive life values, foster their civic awareness and responsibilities, moral education and cultural development.

Ambassador Responsibility

Ambassadors are required to attend at least 4 activities within a year and participate in one or more charity event organised or co-organised by Upbeat Media during their ambassador year. For example: charity performance, hiking trails clean up, elderly home visit, distribution of charity packages, charity sales, etc.  When the programme ends in this academic year, the ambassadors will automatically become mentors to share their gained knowledge and participate in related activities next year. Ambassadors completing their term will receive a certificate of appreciation.

Eligibility for Application

The ambassador programme is divided into two groups: the Little Pioneer Ambassador and the Juveniles Ambassador. The quota of each group is 100 people, on a first-come, first-serve basis. The Little Pioneer Ambassador is aimed at students between grades 3 to 6 in primary school, aged 8 to 12 years old; the Juvenile Ambassador is aimed at students in grades 1 to 3 in secondary school, aged between 13 to 15.

Ambassadors can participate in all activities organised by Upbeat Media for free.